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  • Governance Structure

    Governance Structure

    Vocational Training Board for People with Disabilities - Terms of Reference

    1. To investigate the need, based on the requirements of the relevant sectors of the economy, the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan, the aspiration and ability of people with disabilities and other relevant factors, for Shine Skills Centres and to advise the Vocational Training Council (the Council) on policy relating to vocational rehabilitation
    2. To investigate the need for new courses at shine skills centres and to make recommendations to the Council
    3. To advise the Council on the following support services:
    - vocational assessment service
    - technical aids and resource service
    - vocational guidance service
    - inspectorate service
    4. To assist in forging closer links between Shine Skills Centres and relevant sectors of the economy by encouraging participation by these sectors in the development of courses, trainee attachment schemes, projects, etc., at appropriate levels of skill.
    5. To submit to the Council an annual report on the Training Board’s work and its recommendations on the strategic development of the vocational training for people with disabilities programmes.
    6. To undertake any other functions delegated by the Council in accordance with Section 7 of the Vocational Training Council Ordinance.

