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  • Access to Information

    Access to Information

    VTC’s Code on Access to Information


    VTC has designated an Access to Information Officer who is responsible for ensuring that requests for access to information under VTC’s Code on Access to Information are properly dealt with in accordance with the specified procedures.  

     1. General Enquiries on VTC Services


    • General enquiries on admissions to VTC programmes can be addressed to VTC Admissions Office at 2897 6111 or email: admission@vtc.edu.hk

    • Enquiries on other general matters can be made through the enquiry counter of VTC Tower at 2836 1000 or email: vtcmailbox@vtc.edu.hk


     2. Information to be Published


     The following information on VTC is available on this website or at the enquiry counter of VTC Tower:

    • Information on its organization, programmes and services;
    • List of information made available, whether free or on payment;
    • List of categories of records;
    • The procedures and any charges for access to information.     

      Use of VTC’s information is subject to the copyright notice set out at VTC website.

      3. Procedures and Charges on Access to Information

      • Requests for information held by VTC which is not routinely published may be made through letter or application form.  The application form can be downloaded in this homepage or obtained from the enquiry counter of VTC Tower.  All requests will be processed in accordance with VTC’s Code on Access to Information.

        The completed application form or letter can be sent by post to:
        Access to Information Officer
        Vocational Training Council
        7/F, VTC Tower
        27 Wood Road
        Wan Chai
        Hong Kong

      • VTC will levy charges for the provision of information in order to cover the costs for the resources used.  Information will not be released until after the requisite payment has been made. 


      • Other than publications/information which are available free of charge, or at the cost specified, the following photocopying charge will be levied:


      Photocopying black and white on single page A3 or A4 size paper (with or without enlarging) HK$1.00 per photocopy

      The above charge is subject to revision from time to time.           
      Additional charges will be imposed for any postage or other delivery costs.


      4. VTC’s Code on Access to Information


      VTC’s Code on Access to Information can be downloaded here.

