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    Academic Facitilies

    Our Campus houses specialised laboratories, workshops, lecture theatres, exhibition hall, seminar rooms and computer rooms to support teaching and learning of various courses.

    image Health and Life Sciences

    MALDI-TOF rapid laser detection mass spectrometer – this advanced technology is far superior to traditional bacteria identification procedures, allowing doctors and patients to make early and accurate treatment plans. In the past, using traditional bacterial identification methods, it took at least one day to complete the cultivation of bacteria and identify the bacterial species; now, using MALDI-TOF for testing, the identification results can be obtained in less than ten minutes after one day of bacterial cultivation.

    Use of indoor vertical farming practice to secure world’s food security needs.

    image Business

    Centre of Business Innovation - The Centre of Business Innovation provides visitors with updated knowledge of business technology and innovation. The Centre is well-equipped with artificial intelligence equipment and audio-visual system in order to provide students with digital customer experience and to inspire their vision on business innovation. It is a multi-purpose room for seminars, workshops, meetings, training as well as a showroom for marketing and promotion. The Centre also serves as a platform for exchange and a networking venue for business practitioners and school stakeholders. 

    BOCHK Financial Services Learning Center - The centre was set up as a simulated bank branch and students can closely link with the workplace environment to enhance their learning effectiveness. It also serves as an in-service training centre for banking related programmes. 

    E-Business Centre - Up-to-date computer facilities and audio-visual equipments facilitate teaching and learning of various business modules. 
    Childcare, Elderly and Community Services

    Child Education Centre for Teaching and Learning (CECTL) aims to promote quality education in the field of early childhood education in Hong Kong. The centre collaborates with stakeholders to offer various activities for children, parents, pre-school teachers, etc.
    Multi-Training Room provides multi-sensory equipments and health care training equipments. Students can perform various sensory stimulation training and therapy activities with multi-sensory equipments, including fibre optic sideglow, bubble tube, effect colour wheel and tactile equipments. Health care training equipments, including Flexible Bathroom System, Ceiling Hoist System, tall cabinet for medication/sterile items, etc, are available to facilitate students' practical training on health care for the elderly.

    Innovative training kits and sophisticated equipment is provided to help students acquire the latest knowledge and practical experience in computer and electronic engineering, building services engineering and architectural technology & design.

    There are ten laboratories as follows:

    1. Alistair Harvey Foundation IoT Innovation and Technology Centre

    2. CAD Laboratory

    3. Electrical Services Laboratory

    4. Mixed Reality Studio

    5. Communications Engineering Laboratory

    6. Computer and Electronic Engineering Laboratory

    7. BIM Studio

    8. Piped Services and Fire Safety Laboratory

    9. Fire Sprinkler Testing Laboratory

    10. HVAC Laboratory

    Information Technology

    New equipment and systems are continuously being upgraded in our labs and workshops, that students can develop their multimedia applications and game projects with new platforms and technologies.
    Equipped with industry-standard cameras, lighting and video switching equipment, the Video Recording Studio creates a practical learning environment that simulates real-life newsroom at major broadcasters.

    The Sound Recording Studio is equipped with modern digital recording facilities such as DigiDesign Pro Tools, hard disk recording system and MIDI-ready musical instruments, helping students familiarise with the audio recording, editing, digital music production and mixing processes.

    Metaverse Innovation Centre - The Metaverse Innovation Centre is the tech-enhanced teaching and learning facility dedicated to the advancement of digital future knowledge and skills in all areas of metaverse innovations including Mixed Reality (MR), Virtual Reality, AI and robotics technologies. The Centre aims to nurture talents in metaverse innovations to meet the huge manpower demand for innovation and technology (I&T) professionals across different industries. 
    Language Centre

    Our well equipped language laboratories are purpose-built to improve students’ language proficiency and equip them for work and study. These laboratories are fitted with modern and sophisticated audio-visual equipment suitable for all levels of language learning. Regular classes as well as special extra-curricular language events are organised to enhance students' language skills in these laboratories.

    The Centre for Independent Language Learning (CILL) provides a spacious and comfortable place for students to improve their language skills in an inviting and relaxing atmosphere. It offers a comprehensive range of language learning materials including CD-Roms, DVDs, books, magazines, newspapers, game sets and worksheets for students’ self-learning. Equipped with multi-function rooms that allow for merging and extension, the Centre facilitates a flexible setting for various language learning activities ranging from workshops, parties, performances and competitions.
    Learning Resources Centre

    The Rotary International District 3450 Learning Resources Centre houses extensive collections of technology and business publications with a strong emphasis on child education, electronic engineering and information technology.
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    Academic FacilitiesRecreation Facilities