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Visiting Programme Highlights
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October 2021

29 Oct 2021
Visit by Consul-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong

A delegation led by Mr Arjen Van Den Berg, Consul-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong, visited Hong Kong Design Institute, Hotel and Tourism Institute, Chinese Culinary Institute and International Culinary Institute to understand VTC’s latest development and explore future collaborations.


November 2020

05 Nov 2020
Visit by Consul-General of Thailand

Consul-General of Thailand, Mr Tull TRAISORAT led a delegation to visit Hotel and Tourism Institute, Chinese Culinary Institute and International Culinary Institute.  The delegation met with VTC Chairman, Mr Tony Tai, Deputy Executive Directors, Dr Michael Wang and Mr Edmond Yu, and had a fruitful exchange on taking VPET forward in both Hong Kong and Thailand.


30 Oct 2020
Visit by Consul-General of Austria in Hong Kong

Consul-General of Austria in Hong Kong, Mr Karl Ernst, and Austrian Trade Commissioner for Hong Kong, Macao and South China, Mr Franz Roessler met with Deputy Chairman Prof Eric YIM and Deputy Executive Director Mr Leung Yam-shing, to explore collaboration between the VTC and Austrian parties in support of VPET development. They also toured the training facilities of Hotel and Tourism Institute, Chinese Culinary Institute and International Culinary Institute. 


07 Jul 2020
Visit by Director-General, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR

Director-General, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Professor Jiang Jian-xiang, visited International Culinary Institute and met with VTC Chairman Mr Tony Tai, Deputy Chairman Dr Daniel Yip and Executive Director Mrs Carrie Yau to learn about the latest development of VTC.


April 2019

08 Apr 2019
Visit by Chairman of University Grants Committee

The Chairman of University Grants Committee Mr Carlson Tong (fourth from right) met with VTC Chairman Dr Roy Chung and Executive Director Mrs Carrie Yau to learn about the latest development of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) in Hong Kong and the training provisions of VTC. He toured various campus including Hotel and Tourism Institute, Chinese Culinary Institute, International Culinary Institute, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi), Hong Kong Design Institute, IVE (Lee Wai Lee) and Youth College (International).


28 Mar 2019
Visit by Secretary for the Civil Service

The Secretary for the Civil Service Mr Joshua Law (middle) visited Youth College (Yeo Chei Man), where he toured the training facilities and spoke with students to understand their learning experiences.


11 Mar 2019
Visit by Honorary Advisor to Sino-British Fellowship Trust

The Honorary Advisor to Sino-British Fellowship Trust, Lady Youde (back row, third from right), visited THEi Chai Wan campus and met with the fellowship awardees. Accompanied by Executive Director Mrs Carrie Yau and President of THEi Professor Christina Hong, she also toured the campus facilities to know more about vocationally-oriented degree programmes offered by the Institute.


11 Mar 2019
Visit by Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Mr Edward Yau (right) visited Pro-Act Training and Development Centre (Fashion Textiles). He toured the workshops on woven and knitted fabric and learnt more about latest technologies in the industry.


24 Jan 2019
Visit by Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury

The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Mr James Lau (fourth from right) visited Youth College and the Hotel and Tourism Institute in Tin Shui Wai to understand more about the programmes offered by the Institutes.  He also toured the training facilities and chatted with students to learn about their studies.


May 2018

03 May 2018
Visit by Secretary for Development

Secretary for Development Mr Michael Wong (second from right) visited IVE (Chai Wan) and toured the campus facilities and chatted with teachers and students to understand more about their teaching and learning situation.


23 Apr 2018
Visit by the Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Second Minister for Defence, Singapore

A delegation led by Mr Ong Ye Kung (third from right), Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Second Minister for Defence, Singapore visited IVE (Chai Wan) and met with VTC Chairman Dr Roy Chung and Executive Director Mrs Carrie Yau to exchange views on VPET.


13 Apr 2018
Visit by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury

Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Mr James Henry Lau (second from right) visited IVE (Haking Wong) and spoke with students to understand to their learning experiences and campus life.


11 Apr 2018
Visit by the Delegation of All Party Parliamentary China Group in the UK Parliament

Led by Sir Geoffrey Clinton-Brown MP (left), the UK delegation which comprised members of All Party Parliamentary China Group met with VTC Chairman Dr Roy Chung and Executive Director Mrs Carrie Yau to understand the VPET system in Hong Kong as well as the latest development of the VTC.  Following the meeting, the delegation toured various training facilities of Chinese Culinary Institute and Hotel and Tourism Institute.


05 Feb 2018
Visit by the Secretary for Education

Secretary for Education Mr Kevin Yeung (sixth from right) visited Maritime Services Training Institute, where he met with VTC Chairman Dr Roy Chung and Executive Director Mrs Carrie Yau and toured the campus to learn more about the programmes and training offered by the Institute.


26 Jan 2018
Visit by the Minister for Training and Skills, Victoria State Government, Australia

A delegation led by the Hon Gayle Tierney (fifth from left), Minister for Training and Skills of Victoria State Government, Australia visited VTC Kowloon Bay Complex and met with VTC Chairman Dr Roy Chung and Executive Director Mrs Carrie Yau to exchange views on VPET training.


September 2017

07 Sep 2017
Visit by Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development

Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Mr Edward Yau Tang-wah (sixth from left) visited HKDI and the new THEi campus in Chai Wan and met with VTC Chairman, Dr Clement Chen and Executive Director, Mrs Carrie Yau to learn about the provision of design-related programmes and met with award-winning students of the two institutes.


05 Sep 2017
Visit by Secretary-General of United Nations, International Maritime Organisation

Mr Kitack Lim (fifth from right), Secretary-General of United Nations, International Maritime Organisation (IMO) visited Maritime Services Training Institute and met with VTC Executive Director, Mrs Carrie Yau to exchange views on the manpower development of maritime industry in Hong Kong and learn about the programmes offered by the Institute.


25 Aug 2017
Visit by Secretary for Education

Secretary for Education Mr Kevin Yeung (third from left) visited IVE (Tsing Yi) and met with Dr the Hon Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, President of the Legislative Council, VTC Chairman, Dr Clement Chen to exchange views on the development of vocational and professional education and training. Mr Yeung also toured the campus facilities and chatted with students.


17 Mar 2017
Visit by the Delegation of Ministry of Culture, Thailand

A delegation led by Mr Vira Rojpojchanarat (third from right), Minister of Culture, Ministry of Culture, Thailand visited Hong Kong Design Institute to learn about the offerings of the institute in nurturing talent for the creative industry.


02 Mar 2017
Visit by Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, International Labour Organization

Assistant Director-General and Regional Director, International Labour Organisation Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand, Ms Tomoko Nishimoto (left) accompanied by VTC Deputy Executive Director Ms Josephine Kea, visited VTC Pokfulam Complex where she toured the training facilities of Hotel and Tourism Institute/Chinese Culinary Institute/International Culinary Institute.