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Terms of Reference of Estates Committee



To formulate policy proposals on the Council's premises and related capital projects for the consideration of the Council and the Standing Committee.



To advise the Council and the Standing Committee on all matters relating to the purchase, lease, erection, alteration and maintenance of buildings and to the acquisition of land for building new campuses and centres.



To advise the Council and the Standing Committee on the administration of contracts for building projects including the appointment of architectural and engineering consultants at costs with the financial limits prescribed in the Financial Rules (up to $10,000,000).



To examine and approve sketch designs and estimates of building costs.



To award works tenders within the financial limit prescribed in the Financial Rules (value up to $14,000,000, but unanimous agreement of members of the Committee is required for tenders of an amount over $3,000,000).



To examine works tenders for submission to the Standing Committee or the Council for approval.



To set up any sub-committees it considers necessary.