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    To be the leading provider of automotive education and training in Hong Kong


    1. To provide a valued choice to school leavers and working adults to acquire values, knowledge and skills for lifelong learning and enhanced employability.

    2. To establish a culture and working environment within which all staff can develop their capability and maximize their contribution to the continuous provision of quality services in automotive education and training.

    3. To provide strong support to automotive industries through collaboration with various stakeholders such as employers, employees, students, parents, schools, institutions, professional bodies and various alliances in the vocational educational field.

    4. To provide comprehensive training such that students will be able to contribute the most of their potentials, integrate into the society with the necessary interpersonal and social skills, and work as part of the manpower force in the community.


    Courses Offered:

    Higher Diploma Courses
    Course Code Course Title
    EG114705 Higher Diploma in Automotive Engineering


    Professional Training