Services |
Student Counselling
Individual / Group Counselling Services
Students who need help in coping with personal problems related to their emotions, interpersonal relationship, study, employment, career prospects and finance are encouraged to approach the Student Counsellors for advice. Through individual and group counselling, students can build up their confidence and thus help themselves to achieve their full potential.
Student Developmental Programmes
Training programs and workshops on topics like social skills, leadership skills, ways of coping with pressure, examination techniques, management of emotions, studying methods and character rebuilding are offered regularly.
Careers Advisory Services
Activities including careers talks, exhibitions, workshops, seminars are regularly organised by the Student Counsellors. In addition, students can access up-to-date information about employment and further studies at the Office. |
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Student Financial Assistance
Students Organisation
The Office provides consultation and support to students organisations on organising activities. Training activities such as workshops on leadership skills and talks on financial management are organised at the beginning of the academic year for student leaders. |
Students' Union
The Students' Union is a self-governing body run by the students for their fellow students. It is set up to foster students' sense of belonging to the Campus, promote their welfare and provide a channel of communication with the Campus Management.
All full-time students are members of the Students' Union. Members of the Students' Union are encouraged to form clubs and organise activities to cater for fellow students' recreational, sporting and intellectual interests.