職業訓練局畢業典禮 |

摩理臣山資訊日 |

籃球比賽 |

獎助學金慶典 |

Mass Dance |

寫揮春迎新春 |

IVElite 學長啟導計劃
「IVElite」是一項學長啟導計劃,讓同學透過有系統的培訓成為自主學習者。學長的支援及經驗分享有助同學快速適應新的學習環境,以及建立適合自己的學習策略。去年, 他們舉辦了 “Don’t be Shy” 及 “貧二代大戰富二代” 等活動. |
職業訓練局獲和富社會企業資助成立「和富領袖網絡」,讓學生通過策劃和推動不同範疇的活動,從中學習領導技巧,為將來事業發展作好準備。和富領袖網絡與不同專業維持緊密聯繫,從而提供機會給學生學習及服務。去年, 他們舉辦三個交流團,到台北,台南和韶關。
Watch & Discover - Knowledge around the World
Each year we hold various activities and competitions to motivate students to learn English and Putonghua in a fun way. For example, an inter-campus writing competition was held which students used their imagination and created their own superhero characters under the “Watch & Discover – Knowledge around the World” programme. |
Healthy Drinks
Nowadays, people are more and more aware of the importance of healthy diet and so are our students. Our Chatteris PCs initiated the idea of making healthy drinks in the campus. With the support of the English Ambassador Team, it successfully promoted the theme of healthy eating in the campus. |
Road to Marathon
本計劃培養同學通過長跑活動, 改善身體素質, 培養堅毅不屈精神, 及成長積極尋求進步的人生. 內容包括 : 提供專業長跑訓練, 嘉賓分享, 比賽資助, 和獎學金, 以協助同學一步一步實現自我. |
IVE(MH)學生會是根據社團條例正式註冊的社團組織。學生會主要包括評議會、幹事會及編委會三大組織。於每年11月,學生會會舉行全民投票,選出新一屆的學生會幹事。另外, 學生會每年都舉辦學會日,聖誕舞會, 歌唱比賽, 迎新營等等活動. |
Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival with Chinese Poetry
This activity is to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival and promote Chinese culture. Students could choose Chinese poems related to autumn to make their own bookmarks and lanterns. They could also enjoy some tasty mooncakes! |
聽國語歌填歌詞是每年都舉辦的恆常活動,學生可以一邊聽著喜歡的流行國語歌,一邊填寫歌詞活動紙。在訓練普通話聆聽能力的同時,還能抽取獎品,很多同學都說活動既輕鬆又愉快。 |
IELTS and PSC Reimbursement Schemes
Reimbursement Schemes for IELTS and PSC are offered to encourage students to strive for improvement in their Chinese and English languages. FT IVE(MH) students who have attained the specified requirement within the academic year can be reimbursed 100% of the test fees. Students are welcome to contact their mother department and the Language Centre for further details. |