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    Our Missions


    The Campus Secretariat is committed to offering high quality, cost-effective and efficient services in the following areas for students as well as staff compatible with the objectives of Vocational Training Council and the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education:
      - Course Administrative Support
      - Human Resources Management
      - Administrative Support Services
      - Committee Support Services
      - Financial and Supplies Matters
      - Facilities Management and Development
      - Building Works and Maintenance

    Our Services


    - provide administrative support for course admission, student registration and records;
    - handle human resources management matters;
    - provide administrative support services for campus operation;
    - provide committee support services;
    - provide administrative and logistic support for Campus ceremonies/events;
    - solicit client's opinions for continual improvements on campus services and facilities;
    - handle complaints;
    - take charge of financial and supplies matters;
    - provide services in facilities management and development;
    - coordinate and monitor building works and maintenance; and
    - develop publicity materials for the Campus.