
Dr Andrzej RYS
Health Systems, Medical Products and
Innovation at DG Santé,
European Commission,

Prof Aleksandar SUBIC
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (STEM) and
Vice President,
Digital Innovation,
Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology University,

Dr LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP
Elderly Commission,
Hong Kong

Mr Stephen LEUNG
Country Manager,
Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Limited,
Hong Kong

Prof Raymond TONG
Professor and Chairman,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong

Vice Chancellors Senior Research Fellow,
Department of Sport Exercise and
Northumbria University,
United Kingdom

Prof ZHENG Dingchang
Faculty Research Centre
for Intelligent Healthcare,
Coventry University,
United Kingdom

Dr Jessy KANG
Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
Jubo Health,

Dr Tomohiko IGASAKI
Associate Professor,
Field of Biomedical and Welfare Engineering,
Division of Informatics and Energy,
Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology,
Kumamoto University, Japan

Assoc Prof Jeremy LIM
Leadership Institute for Global Health
Transformation (LIGHT),
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health,
National University of Singapore,

Prof ZHAO Chao
Deputy Dean,
Academy of Arts and Design,
Tsinghua University,
Mainland China

Prof ZHAO Chao
Deputy Dean,
Academy of Arts and Design,
Tsinghua University,
Mainland China

Dr Tomohiko IGASAKI
Associate Professor,
Field of Biomedical and Welfare Engineering,
Division of Informatics and Energy,
Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology,
Kumamoto University, Japan

Dr Clare LAI
Project Manager,
Imsight Technology Company Limited,
Hong Kong

Dr Frank LAI
Assistant Professor,
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong

Dr Jeffrey PONG
Specialist in Ophthalmology,
Legend Eyecare Centre,
Hong Kong
HealthTech Exhibition

Smart Healthcare HealthTech Exhibition:
Smart Healthcare

- Associated Medical Supplies Company Limited
- BODYCARE Company Limited
- Deltason Medical Limited
- Healthlink Holdings Limited
- Imsight Technology Company Limited
- Janley Limited
- MAD Gaze Limited
- Medical Technologies Limited
- Pro-Med Technology Limited
- Scolioscan ‐ Telefield Medical Imaging Limited

Student Project Showcase

Gerontechnology Student Project Showcase: