1. To formulate and review strategic plans for training skilled workers for commercial and industrial trades through apprenticeship.
2. To advise the Vocational Training Council (the Council) on legislation relating to the employment and training of apprentices and on designation of trades under the Apprenticeship Ordinance.
3. To formulate and review strategic plans for promoting apprentice training and trade testing.
4. To collect and analyse views and expectations of employers, young persons and parents on apprentice training and complementary technical education.
5. To monitor and review measures for assessing the skill attainment of apprentices.
6. To advise the Council on policies on trade testing and skill assessment.
7. To formulate and review strategic plans to award achievements in apprentice training, trade testing, skill assessment and certification.
8. To submit to the Council an annual report on the Training Board’s work and its recommendations on the strategies for programmes in the relevant disciplines.
9. To undertake any other functions delegated by the Council in accordance with Section 7 of the Vocational Training Council Ordinance.
Apprenticeship Training Board - Terms of Reference