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  • Honorary Fellowships

    Dr Ringo LEE Yiu-pui

    Vice President of NTI Limited
    Chairman of The Institute of The Motor Industry Hong Kong

    *Extract from Order of Ceremony 2011

    Dr Ringo LEE Yiu-pui is a prominent leader in the automobile industry and has been a guiding force behind the manpower training in the industry for over 30 years. As the Chairman of the Institute of the Motor Industry Hong Kong, he often offers his professional views on the motor industry and vehicle engineering to the government and public sectors. Dr Lee is currently a member of the Automotive Industry Training Advisory Committee under the Education Bureau, providing advice to the development of Specification of Competency Standards of the automobile industry to promote the overall quality and competitiveness of the workforce.

    As a staunch supporter of vocational education and training, Dr Lee has rendered tireless support to the VTC in the provision of automobile training programmes. Dr Lee has been serving VTC’s Automobile Training Board for over 13 years, with four years in the capacity of Chairman. With his wealth of experience, Dr Lee provides his veteran insights on the automobile industry manpower survey to ensure the relevance and quality of the VTC programmes in meeting the development needs of the industry.

    Dr Lee makes tremendous contributions to the annual Best Automobile Apprentice Competition organised by the VTC, soliciting industry support for the event to help raise the profile of the apprenticeship scheme and boost the professional standard of the industry.

    Dr Lee also serves as the Convenor of the Automobile Industry Training Group of the Integrated Vocational Development Centre, proffering advice on the skills requirements and training needs of the industry to promote lifelong learning of people with diverse education attainments and backgrounds.

    Dr Ringo LEE Yiu-pui was conferred the VTC Honorary Fellowship by Chief Secretary for Administration Mr Stephen LAM, GBS, JP at Graduation Ceremony 2011