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    SOPHIE V takes part in the “World Solar Challenge 2015”, completing 3,000km race

    Students and teachers of the Engineering Discipline of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), member institution of the Vocational Training Council (VTC), have completed the World Solar Challenge 2015 in the demanding Cruiser Class with their fifth generation solar-powered car, SOPHIE V. SOPHIE V travelled for six days to complete the 3,000km race across the Australian continent. Winning accolades for Hong Kong, the team demonstrated their resilience and professional knowledge along the race.

    The race began at Darwin in the north on 18 October. SOPHIE V made steady progress and at one point ranked third among the 11 teams in the initial stage, only to encounter strong winds later that blew away the solar panels from the vehicle body. The team had to draw on all their experience and efficiency to carry out essential repairs. Finally SOPHIE V went on to travel and reached the destination point at Adelaide in the south.
    The newly-developed SOPHIE V has a maximum speed of 110 km per hour, bearing more resemblance and functionality to regular vehicles. The research and engineering work put in by IVE students and teachers means that SOPHIE V can travel at a speed of 20km to 40km per hour nonstop under sunlight, testifying the latest technologies in renewable energy.
    The biennial World Solar Challenge brings together education institutes and organisations from around the world to race their solar-powered cars. This year 43 teams from 23 countries and regions took part in three competition classes. SOPHIE team was the only Chinese team in the class.
